James Lutke lives in West Michigan, where he began exploring the natural world at a very young age. A painter, multi-media artist, floral and landscape designer, James combines his talents to create three-dimensional art using natural materials.
Creations in various mediums can be seen in several West Michigan Galleries as well as private commissions. Additionally, James has exhibited his floral interpretations at Krannert Art Museum’s exhibit “Petals & Paintings”. A key artist since 2007 in the annual AIFD North Central Chapter benefit Nature’s Creative Edge, James continues to create natural works of art that include White House Christmas Tree Toppers, floral design work for national events, and teaching workshops, and leading presentations.
Nature inspires James to create both permanent and ephemeral art. Resourcefulness combined with knowledge of materials and good mechanics, contribute to the beauty and integrity of his designs. “It’s an organic process. I look at things we see everyday differently, changing perspective to depict natural beauty.”